Measuring Your Marketing Results – The Beginners Guide

Not sure if your marketing is bringing the results it should? Then read my beginners guide to measuring your marketing results and see how your marketing measures up.

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Is your email list opt-in getting the results it should for your business.

Not all email opt-in incentives are created equal. Find out if your email opt-in is performing well for it’s type.

Is Your Email Opt-In Rate Good?

Email Marketing

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5 reasons why you didn't get results from the quiz funnel you build.

People often ask me “why is my quiz funnel not working?” Building a quiz funnel is so much more than just the quiz itself. With quiz funnels converting at a 40-50% sign up rate and a potential 38.8% sales rate, it’s obvious why so many business owners want a quiz funnel help them grow their […]

5 Reasons Why Your Quiz Funnel is Not Working.

Quiz Funnels

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Take the Time Saving Marketing Quiz and I'll show you how to save time on your marketing and get better results. You'll get a personalised prescription of the next steps you need to take to get better results in less time.

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