It All Began When I Found My Superpower

It was during a call with my mindset coach where I realised that everything I was trying to build in my then two businesses were so I could do the marketing stuff.

I then began to realise that I just wanted to share marketing and business tips with friends, (occasionally as unsolicited advice). I couldn't help myself. I couldn't hold it back.

It was because I was so passionate. And doing the marketing stuff just lights me up, floats my boat, ignites my fire - you get me!

So once I realised all of this, I realised if I put my thinking cap on I could build a simple approach to marketing where I could help others smash their goals. Doing all of this without the overwhelm that's so often sold to people as the side hustle life

It doesn't have to be this way, there is a better way. Hang out with me and I will show you how. 

Morning routines, cuddles with my adorable children + sexy husband, banana pancakes, walks in the wild, pamper nights, and spending time with people I love.

daily rituals

Guesting on lives, on coaching cals with my delightful clients, making dinner, dancing, drinking margarita's and on Friday's in soft play with the kids!


Doing all the things, dancing on reels (is that just me?) 


Straight talk, strong drinks, short emails, data, and cutting out the 'meh' to make room for the very best.


My superpower is helping people just like you grow their business without it taking over their life. 

I'm Kristina, a growth marketing strategist who believes life is for living and dreams should be realised. As well as being a self confessed marketing nerd; I'm a mum of two preschoolers and cocktail drinking, holiday loving soloprenuer.

Who Are you?

Why do you do this?

I love helping my clients hit their business growth goals without it taking over their life. 

Because... there are two many business owners, just like you, trying to grow their business and feeling burnt out and overwhelmed by all of the things. 

I want you to smash your business goals AND your life goals. And when you do... I'll be right there celebrating with you! (maybe even more than you, but let's keep that a secret between you and me!)

Oh and did I tell you I have a marketing degree and MBA? So it's all kinda in my blood.

What is this place?

This is my very own corner of the internet, where I aim to inspire, teach and help business owners grow their business whilst also having a life. You'll find lots of help and advice in my free guides and my blog. 

Oh and if you take the quiz you will get the next three things you need to do to simplify your marketing whilst also growing your business.

What is growth marketing the Kristina way?

Growth marketing is all about starting with your business growth goals and planning a marketing strategy to deliver that. The Kristina way is doing this in a way that simplifies your marketing so you can also have a life.

Isn't it just social media these days?

Social media is one marketing tool in the toolkit. And yep it's a pretty important tool for potential customers to come across your business. But in my view it's too often seen as the only marketing tool, which is a big mistake to make. Some of my clients have huge followers and no sales. Feeding the algorithm doesn't fuel your business growth. Where growth marketing comes in is that it identifies how to use your social media to lead to sales for your business and money in your pocket.

Why should I care?

If you want to grow your business and have a life then I can definitely help you!

Can you really make marketing less overwhelming for me?

Yep, I take a step by step approach to marketing. I give you tools and guides. I'll tell you why you are doing each thing, so you know you're not wasting time on nonsense.

I’m loving this, what should I do next?

Whoop whoop I'm so glad. Take my quiz to get a recommendation on your next three steps you should take to grow your business and simplify your marketing.

But...if you're in a hurry to get rid of the overwhelm and grow, then you can always book a coffee chat with me and I'll show you how I can help.

Happy by Pharrell Wlliams


mushrooms on toast


Everything is figureoutable


a margarita cocktail or coffee


The Intern... my 10th time?












night owl

no topsheet




Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree? 

This      That


Take the Time Saving Marketing Quiz and I'll show you how to save time on your marketing and get better results. You'll get a personalised prescription of the next steps you need to take to get better results in less time.

What's your marketing SUPER Power?

Better than Free Ice Cream!

let's work together

If you  believe life is for living and you don't want to spend ALL your time growing your business, then come hang out with me and I'll show you how you can have a life AND smash your business goals

did we just become best friends?