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Ready To SKYROCKET Your Results AND Save Time on Your Marketing?

Ready To SKY ROCKET Your Results AND Save Time on Your Marketing!

Do you want to save time on your marketing but for it to still be effective?

Want to get clarity on what you should actually be doing to market your business in a way that brings results?

Do you need some help to be consistent so you actually see the results of your hard work?

Isn't it time that you Levelled up your business with a proper Marketing Strategy?

wanna know more?
Of course you do.. scroll on!

Take the Masterclass

Running a business is an exciting journey, but let's be honest—marketing can sometimes feel like navigating a maze in the dark. 

Are you struggling to find the right strategies that consistently attract your dream clients? 

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-changing social media algorithms and unsure if you're on the right track or whether you even have a plan at all?

I get it! 

Doubting your marketing strategy, second-guessing your messaging, and struggling to stay consistent can be frustrating. 

You pour your heart and soul into your business, but your marketing efforts may not always reflect the results you desire. 

Feeling like you're faffing about on social media with little return can be disheartening. I totally understand the struggles, and I'm here to help you overcome them!

What if there was a way to streamline your marketing, save time, give you clarity AND improve your marketing results?

Let's be honest...

Ready for your business to change?

Time Saving Marketing Masterclass

A masterclass that will help you create simple marketing strategy, know what to say to your ideal client and when and how to do all your marketing in less time whilst SKY ROCKETING your results!

Nope, it's not! If you want to learn how to do all the things - this class isn't going to teach you that. Because I don't want that for you. I don't want you to be drowned in overwhelm.

Nope this Masterclass will have you employing my TIME SAVING but EFFECTIVE marketing strategies that will stop you faffing about on social media and get so focussed on converting your followers into buyers by talking their lingo.

This isn't any old Marketing Masterclass

If you follow my SIMPLE TIME Saving Strategies, you'll love marketing.

Why you ask?

Because you will start to see REsULTs

So here's the how...

No more faffing about, no more in-decision. Nope there will be none of that!

We'll super power your marketing so you can get more done in less time with my time saving proven strategies for success.

Clarity. Ah, the golden ticket!

We'll uncover what marketing should be doing for you and whether there are any gaps, and I'll teach you exactly what to say to your audience and when.
Trust me; you'll be speaking their language like a pro!

 transform your Marketing
(and your life)

My Time Saving Effective Marketing Strategies

Get An Actual Strategy in Place 

Save time:

Stop the doubt

Consistency is the name of the game.

I show you exactly how to build a marketing strategy that's not only effective but also one you'll actually stick to.

Say goodbye to those roller-coaster marketing efforts!

Finally Be Consistent

get it done and see results

Here's how the masterclass will:

A year from now you
will have wished you started today....

So let's get started!

All for the price of my favourite cocktail.

— A Margarita if you're asking

 Buy Now

Daisy has been working with me on one of my time saving strategies.

"It's life changing"

(Enough said!)

Lavender Blue Sleep Consulting 

"It's lifechanging!"

"Kristina Rutherford raised the bar in teaching my VIPs so much value in her Master Class... Her lesson is something we will be able to refer back to in the vault.

Filled with great content and things we did not know a great tool for the small business owner, delivered in an easy-to-understand bite-size format."

Karen McCLusky
Etsy Zero to Etsy Hero

"So much value!"

I'm Kristina, your new business BFF

I'm a time saving marketing strategist who believes life is for living and dreams should be realised.
Working on your business can be a slog, I know I've been there.

But I've found a way to get results that last. My no nonsense fun approach can help you achieve your dreams the simple way!

So why me? We'll I've got the qualifications, I've not only earned a 1st class BA(Hons) in Marketing Management and a Postgraduate Diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, but I've also topped it off with an MBA with distinction.

But wait, I'm not just about the books; I've rolled up my sleeves, built successful businesses from the ground up and I've also ran multi-million pound services too!

So let's hang out together and grow your business in a way that works for you.

Oh and, just so you know, we're gonna have a blast too!

more about me

hey there!

This    for you if:

You're ready to grow your business

You're not serious about growing your business

YOu're sick of of the self doubt and confusion


you no longer have time to faff on social media, it's time to get serious about your biz

It's probably       for you if...

YOU'd rather scroll your day away than make sales



It's probably
for you if...


Let's Do This Thing!

Do I get instant access?

Yes! As soon as you pay you can log in to get access to the masterclass

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is your approach better than any other method?

I don't teach you to do all the of the things, in fact I teach the opposite. I help small business owners get a marketing strategy in place that they can actually implement and still have a life!

Are you certified?

Yes! As well as being a self confessed marketing geek I have a first class degree in Marketing Management, Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing and an MBA. Alongside that I get the operational side of running a business and I have 18 years of running multi-million £ services too boot, as well as running a few business too!

How long will it take?

You can get through the entire masterclass in just an hour. Just by knowing this stuff you'll level up your marketing, I promise! But you'll start implementing as you go.

Can you help me implement?

Sure this is what I do. After you've watched the masterclass you are welcome to ask questions in the facebook group. But I also do 1-2-1 support with small kick ass business owners just like you - just get in touch.

How quick will I see results.

You'll start to see some results as soon as you implement as long as you follow all the steps.

But like all long term strategies you should see it take off around 12 weeks later as  long as your consistent. I have some tips on how you can be consistent too, as I know this can be one of the hardest things. 

Will it be fun?


Whilst I take marketing seriously, I don't take myself to seriously. I think life is to short to not have fun. So I aim to make this fun too, whilst getting the job done and growing your biz.